Outdoor Landscape Painting (Summer half term)

Outdoor Landscape Painting

Friday 1st June, 2018

10.00am – 1.00pm (age 8 – 10)

2.00pm – 5.00pm (age 11 – 14)

£35 including all materials

Outdoor Landscape Painting (Summer half term) 1


Looking at the work of famous landscape painters, children will be encouraged to look at their styles and develop these into their own paintings.  We will go outside (weather permitting) make studies and draw the landscape to scale on canvases.   On returning to the studio, children will be able to use a selection of different sized brushes and palette knives and be encouraged to paint their landscape in a loose style using acrylic paints.  Looking at prespective, shapes, patterns, shadows and textures, we will also look at the colour wheel and learn how to mix secondary colours from primary colours.

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Outdoor Landscape Painting (Summer half term) 2