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David Fawcett

David Fawcett is 48 and lives in Tunbridge Wells with his wife Jackie and our three sons Tom, Joe and James (and two West Highland Terriers Ted and Albi)

David Fawcett is self-taught and has developed his painting style over the last twenty years or so. He always works in acrylic and most of his paintings are based on his observations. David has drawn a lot of material from memories growing up in Wales and from his experiences of married life raising a family of three boys. He has worked in London as a notary public for over 20 years and this has also provided inspiration for a number of paintings. David enjoys trying to find a humorous theme to a painting if he can. The title is also a very important element in this and again its something he enjoys trying to work out – using words to succinctly convey a situation that people might be able to identify with. Fundamentally though the painting has to “work and have energy” so the composition and colour harmonisation are the most important elements for him.