Rose Paba-Jones, White Goddess I
This alabaster sculpture forms part of a series inspired by the primitive symbolism of Pre-Columbian art and European cave art, focusing on the power of the divine feminine. These works bring us back to the beginnings of sexuality and fertility, representing female strength and the body in equilibrium.
The title is a reference to the book The White Goddess by Robert Graves who describes the matriarchal cultures of Europe and the Middle East in which women had authority and worshipped a ‘Supreme Goddess’. In Palaeolithic and Neolithic cultures, the fertility of women was seen in parallel to the fertility of the land, giving them the important status as the life-givers on earth.
Alabaster is an ancient material chosen especially for its particular beauty and sensual character as well its special quality of energy absorption. It´s also translucent, so when placed in front of a window it will light up like a beacon when the sun shines through giving a sense of energy radiating out.
Spanish Alabaster
47 x 46 x 15 cm