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Philip Lyons

Philip Lyons Landscapes and still life

Philip paints places he knows well returning to them throughout the seasons. He also likes painting still life objects such as bowls, sometimes they are included as part of the imagery and sometimes as a subject on their own.

When painting landscapes Philip frequently includes in his paintings the horizon-that strong blue edge.

He has spent time walking along the coastline of Cornwall- which varies so much.

Philip likes the idea of painting the outside world looking from the inside – Over the rooftops with their subtle weather worn colours to the sea in the distance.

Philip uses grid structures in his paintings, such as window frames or the patterns of rooftops or landscapes – to make firm frameworks for his compositions. Sometimes the grids remain visable & sometimes hidden in the background. He is interested in the surface of the paintings to suggest the wear & tear of the weather or the passing of time, on the buildings & landscapes that surrounds us.

Artist Statement-

I work from our house in Falmouth in Cornwall,
where I have a studio.
I like to work board, which I prepare with many
layers of undercoat and gesso. This allows me to
sand and scrape the surface as I work. This process
encourages the unexpected to happen. Different colours
arrive and the surface quality can bring a very different
feeling/mood to the painting. This worked surface can
give a sense of history.
I often paint still life objects, such as bowls. I enjoy the
simple shape of a bowl. My aim is to create a sense of
calm/stillness. (‘still point in a turning world’).
Until recently I worked in the NHS,mainly part-time,
as an art therapist. I always kept up my painting
practice and exhibiting. Now I am able to devote
all my time to painting.
I am interested in the paintings of Diebenkorn, Albers, Morandi,
Ben Nicholson, Hurvin Anderson, Lois Dodd and many others.