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Daisy Sims-Hilditch

Daisy Sims-Hilditch Self Portrait contemporary life painter

Born in 1991, Daisy is a figurative painter based in London.

Daisy says, “It is light that excites me and drives me to pick up my brushes and paint. My paintings are a celebration of light and I am fascinated by exploring tonal relationships in order to express the particular light effect before me. My classical training in Florence gave me the skills and desire to paint solely from nature and in natural light”.

Daisy trained at Charles Cecil Studios and her work has now been recognised by a number of the top artists awards in the Country. As well as being selected for the BP Awards 2016 with her portrait ‘Alessandra’ exhibiting in the National Portrait Gallery, Daisy has also exhibited with the Royal Institute of Oil painters, The Royal Society of Women Artists and the Royal Society of British artists where she recently won the “Gordon Hulson Memorial Prize” for excellence in draftsmanship, variety and exploration. Recently Daisy’s donation of a portrait commission to Philip Mould’s Charity ‘Plant Life’ received the highest bid of the evening.

Philip Mould who is a leading specialist in British Art and Old Masters recently described Daisy as “an extremely versatile painter in the landscape and portrait traditions working both in plein air as the Impressionists before her and in the studio on ‘sight-size’ portraits of remarkable naturalism and elegance. Stylistically her handling of the medium is both painterly and refined in its application. In this respect she is an artist who understands how to control and manipulate paint in order to achieve portraits of astounding intimacy and beauty”.